stonestacking 7/22/06
There's something simple to the concept of the balanced stone, what can be, what can line up, what balance there might be. I've found this one thing. That the more you balance, the more you sense the balance. That is -- balance more, and more is certain in your feeling of the balance and alignment. I can balance them with my eyes closed. Somehow, the sensing is felt; it's just that moment. That's what I know. On that.
6.16.06 | V O C A T U S
VOCATUS ATQUE NON VOCATUS DEUS ADERIT {Invoked or not invoked, the god is present.} Carl Gustav Jung And what god is t(here)? The god of mist, of rain, of the ancient tree, the corvid call -- and what can be found in all; and what can be found in nothing. And what beauty is in every thing, in every god. That is everything. I've been walking around the edge of Jung. And he's coming closer. As am I. More, explorations.
ob viam
3.25.06 Cairn of lavastone | Mt. Merapi | Java obviate \OB-vee-ayt\, transitive verb: To prevent by interception; to anticipate and dispose of or make unnecessary. Obviate derives from Latin obviare, "to meet or encounter," from ob viam, "placed or coming in the way" (ob, "in front of"; via, "way"). ---- My path is about finding things in the way. I find things, they are in my way. And what means is that they are in my way. I believe that we all do this -- things are discovered, located,...
The inversion
Today, in the river that runs out side the house, there was so much silent sound that the air hung like a band of smoke that balanced on the stone, that pointed to sky, oyster light reflecting what's up, below. Like it is. All ways. Like you.
Her(e) She's always her(e), but being here, you can't always see her. But I'm always looking for, and at her. Just like I do with the Sun. Living where I do, part of the time, you can't see either. But you can do one thing -- and that is, to sense them in the pale gesture that they are, neath the clouds. It might be obscured, but then again, it is still there. And it is like that with many things. You sense they are (t)here, but you only can see the palest shimmer, but they are there. ----...
I had a breakfast with two people to explore some ideas. And energy, of course. That is, when you meet someone, whether you can relate is wholly about energy. And it's wholly about how things line up. Then, sometimes, there's another kind of energy is there, too. She showed up. Checking in. Probably four stories from the street below. But surely appreciated. And that appearance certainly bodes well. The gull as messenger. I'll take that. ---- T | Pike Place Market
running | the sawtooths
While I've been on the road with my parents, for a break, it's been a little unreal, the character of it -- the roadrunning, the travels. First, I had to meet them. The opening flight was cancelled, rebooked on Horizon and flew from there to Boise. All in the Saturday hours well before 6am. Driving 100 mph slowed at the frontal approach of the rear end of a state trooper. It did look like a ski rack. Actually, I've never been here before, the Sawtooths. So I was open to see some new things....
Seeking magic and mystery.
I met this person, JJ Abrams. And the journey in understanding him is a take on how I tend to approach things. And in being open. I find that I have an ongoing awareness of things that are aligned with my own interest, but then there's the rest of the world. And if I don't know about it, well, then, I don't know about it. And it can be typical things, that many others live by. American Idol. Or Survivor. Corn Flakes. Lawnmowers. I just don't know. About them. But when I work on something, a...
When you get there, you are there: to design, to describe some new potential: to see; hear; restless; study... and, to all, it comes with the territory; p i l g r i m, w a n d e r e r -- more s c e n e s e e n : walk on, the making: you go out there, and you get in here. a l l w a y s. ---- TSG |seattle + nyc
The tattoo
This is the story about Gabrielle's tattoo. Gabrielle is my 19 year old daughter. In one month, the passage of her Mother, Kathleen Roberts, will be nearly one year. Since the passing of her Mother, she's thought of doing something for her, the memory, in celebration of her life, her passing. And there's something that Kath used to do, when she signed her name -- a kind of K, or heart, with a series of little radiant lines. Sometimes three, sometimes four, sometimes more. Gabrielle and I'd...