The concept of the interval: the use of space in design I think about what is presence. And I consider, what is absence? What is here — easily seen; and what is next? What is the interval? What converts moment to momentum? One wind driven day, I was painting...


L E A D E R S H I P M A G N E T I S M In the modeling of a group of people, there is invariably a “power pole.” Working with people, I look for that energized place of energy. Who’s there? In the clustering of people, there is the layering of the...

ABRACADABRA | Alphabet Amulets

I got a note from some friends at the Oxford English Dictionary. It was about this word, “abracadabra” — and perhaps you’ve got the same one, since you might have friends there too. Earlier in my life, studying the history of the word, the real...

PEOPLE THAT INSPIRE ME: The 5 steps of mentorship

GOING BACK, I realize those that inspire me, those that have taught me all — brought me into their fold. In where I am, I make real what I learned from them. Being here, now — I am what I am. Listening to the filtration of time, the strata of learning...


HOLDING THE HEART OF STONE There’s a character to the nature of stone that crosses the barriers of touch and the sensitive condition. I hold it, the gravity of its ancientness. As you begin — you touch it — what is the nature of that holding; the...