Brief, into the forest: wanderings
Working with the team, Friday, downtown Seattle, then I went to The Evergreen State College that night, to connect, meeting with some staff and colleagues, then linked up with Paul Stamets out in the Olympic forests for an early, pre-dawn run on Saturday.
Image: Deep, into the deep.
A kind of mycological discovery out there, that brief foray — I shot this, the following morning, in the rain and mist. “Mushroom history in the making,” so said.
then home, back at it.
check it out. t.
OK Tim… You awakened some degree of the primal Greener in me! The photo is weepingly beautiful… I can smell the air… The time lapse, brought back my love of the fungus, slugs, sword ferns, trilliums, herons and Madrona trees.
I had a warm friendship with a Japanese mycologist named Atsumi. I restored his sword . He was the director of landscaping for TESC. Sometimes he would find things while he was trimming that he thought would be valuable to a woodworker like boxwood trimmings, plum wood, holly branches. All precious to a fine woodworker.
He was working hard at figuring out ways to commercially grow Shitake and his life quest was to be able to domesticate Masutake. He did it… but sporadically… an it was not commercially doable. But he brought my girlfriend and I one of the first domesticated Masutake. He was appalled that I would sear it in sesame oil with shaved green onions… until he tasted it. He also poisoned me once… but that’s another story!