by Tim Girvin | Mar 20, 2011 | Diary
After the long running, days on daze of grim light, the proverbial oyster shell coloration of the Pacific Northwest wintering, low rolling clouds, the Sun merely a fuzzy luminescence. Today, for a moment, a turning to spring, sprung — that first evidence came to...
by Tim Girvin | Feb 28, 2011 | Diary
THE LEGENDS OF THE LIGHT FINDER I was holding light, an illumination that reminded me of a salamander of the luminous, curling like an embryo — light lizard. This, on a full-mooned night, the radiance spilling down and lighting the stones like glistening...
by Tim Girvin | Feb 23, 2011 | Diary
I was in the hospital recently, and walking the halls, I came to a series of glass compositions created by a friend of mine, from college. Cappy Thompson — Seattle glass artist; and she is still exploring and experimenting — the same, since our connections...
by Tim Girvin | Jan 11, 2011 | Diary
I was in an alley, early morning, only days ago — and the cold was almost unbearable. This, 5am — and walking the alley, steam rose up into the light, creating a kind of painting. A misted water-coloring, awash in seething color and watered plumes of fog...
by Tim Girvin | Nov 2, 2010 | Diary
A sphere of light The most extraordinary mist crept in, unfurling clouds and glowing rolls of fog, that spun and turned in, one on another, until you couldn’t see anywhere. The patterning, only molecules of water, tints of grey, and the deepening blue of the...