WHAT LANGUAGE: YOUR MESSAGE? WHAT CALL: YOUR PLEA? WHAT TONE: YOUR HOPE? HOW LOUD: YOUR REACH? Sometimes I’m asking for help. But I’m not asking for help in the right way. One calls out, but the call falls on deafness. The point might be that the call is...


L E A D E R S H I P M A G N E T I S M In the modeling of a group of people, there is invariably a “power pole.” Working with people, I look for that energized place of energy. Who’s there? In the clustering of people, there is the layering of the...

PEOPLE THAT INSPIRE ME: The 5 steps of mentorship

GOING BACK, I realize those that inspire me, those that have taught me all — brought me into their fold. In where I am, I make real what I learned from them. Being here, now — I am what I am. Listening to the filtration of time, the strata of learning...