An experiment in communication…

David, thanks for your considerations, your reach — and, to some of your co-respondents, I’m grateful to be included in your search. To the challenges that you face, I relate. I’ve seen these, sensed these travails in others. And each has borne the...

Light, dark, shadow

Light, dark,  shadow | 10.29 | Trongsa Dzong I’ve learned a lot about light. And about seeking it, finding it. Going there. Where light is. And where it isn’t. In fact, I’m still learning about light. And I’ll be always learning about light,...

meticulous: what fear, have you?

I contemplate: metus | fear. Things are arranged; then they are rearranged. What do you hold to, that which is arranged, that which is not? Is there beauty in symmetry? Or, symmetry skewed, the chaotic fracture? I contemplate: Imagery photographed at DIA | Beacon, NY...

A Love of Wild Trees (3/10)

I’ve been a lover of trees, and a lover of being in trees. Up in trees. And this is the third in a series, from I savor trees. And tree houses. Tree houses have been widely explored under my watch. Some of them have been...