I was thinking about the character of distinction.

Like the word references, it is about the sting. It’s an old Latin word — distinguere “to separate between, separate by pricking,” It is aligned to other forms of the sting, to extinguish — the Latin, instinguere “to incite, impel.”

Working in the place that I do, I’m looking for the sting — the pointing distinguishment of difference making — that, to the mission of my relationships, the promise, the craft of design, and creative effort. What I do is about the differentiation — sorting the varying of one, to another. And telling that story: sensing words, pictures, forms.

Meeting with friends, a note from another, there is a question — “what makes me different?” That difference, really, lies in the heart. In the struggle of the creative tribute and that comes from the soul of action, of making, of the journey.

What I believe is that the journey is something that needs to be in the beginning of inspiration, the first breath of “this is who I am, what I am exploring, what I am considering in the making of the life.” You can’t find it easily, that inhalation — the breath of spirit.

But draw that in, and see what you can be, and exhale the truth of your being. There’s a challenge in living the creative experience — that journey is never once, but daily: the breath in, the breath out. But the heart of the center of that act remains true.

Find that, stay with that, and the red thread of your lifeline will continue pulsing in the exploration of what can be, and what you can offer the world.

Stay true, and show brightly to your world.


t / decatur island
