100 years | The Eagle Scout

The Legacy of the Eagle Scout Award This year, the badge and legacy of the Eagle Scout reaches back a century. In the Girvin family, this is a potent tradition. All of the Girvin brothers are Eagles. And the tradition of scouting runs passionately deep in our...

The Watch

The Focus of Watch Fullness, Studying the Terrain Around You. I was hiking and, to every horizon line, path, water-lined and sanded beach and I studied the wind, the insects’ movement, the course of birds, the turning light and colour of green-cast tree-light....

Gay Pride

Gay Pride I spent time at the Seattle Center today, Boeing PSC IMAX Theatre [Girvin did the logo for the complex, as well as the theatre, along with the signing treatments,] checking out the monster “Image Maximum” screen showing of Prometheus...

A Visitation

A V I S I T A T I O N I’ve learned, over time — with hornets and other winged insects that they look for and follow the Light. Trap one in a room with windows and they will track the sun and continue to beat against the glass, trying to get to the Light....

Into the Mist

Time ticks as you walk in the dark, emerging or failing light — and you realize that your true reliable momentum measure is the sound of your heels — moment to moment: pavement, gravel, pea, grass, chipped woods, snow and ice. Each, a rhythm, a story. Here...