Focused attention. Seeing in-to things.

When you’re looking at something, how closely are you tuned? I was watching people watch. This is a habit. That is, studying people as they “study” — watching to see how people are paying attention. This couldn’t be any more in-depth or...

Things that we found in fire

T H I N G S T H A T W E F O U N D I N T H E F I R E Meditations on fire. In the consideration of passing, things move on. Moments flicker. Friends pass. Miracles whorl. And new things come out — in another understanding. In the passage of events, learnings turn,...

All things bright and beautiful

All things bright and beautiful I wonder if this crow feels beautiful — adorned as he is, banded in silver, white, red, blue? There is surely an added confidence in his stride, looking and bounding about. And he doesn’t seem to mind my closer admiration,...

The Exploration of Personal Ritual

Getting to the soul of things. What is a thing? I’ve wondered about that. A thing. thing O.E. þing “meeting, assembly,” later “entity, being, matter” (subject of deliberation in an assembly), also “act, deed, event, material...


The Naming of Things THE MYSTICAL ROOTS OF THE GATHERING OF NAMES. An ancient principle of voice struggles in the subjective empowerment of words — as vessels for improvised ideas — and the named premise of ideals. I’ve written in the past about the...