A Love of Wild Trees (10/10)

A Love of Wild Trees, the last of the series Meditations on the tree, that is not a tree… And this is the tenth in a series, of ten, from http://tim.girvin.com/Entries/index.php. A pine grove | Decatur Island When I contemplate this series, writing about trees,...

A Love of Wild Trees (8/10)

A Love of Wild Trees Contemplating the tree of the world… And this is the seventh in a series, from http://tim.girvin.com/Entries/index.php. Looking skyward, stars hang in the balance, branched — bound in light, spanning — circling the mooned night....

A Love of Wild Trees (2/10)

The story of the old, tall ones: Sequoia. And climbing them… Learning comes in differing ways. The conference for Technology, Entertainment & Design: TED, is one of them. I’m a member of the TED community. You go there, literally, to be a part of that...

A Love of Wild Trees (1/10)

The tree prints | 1979. Girvins like trees. No, they love them. Every member of our family has some connection with trees. And I suppose that arboreal love could have some distant simian link, like the notion that if you suddenly jerk when you are just dozing off,...

A Love of Wild Trees (5/10)

The oldest souls in the world… And this is the fifth in a series, from http://tim.girvin.com/Entries/index.php. Being a walker, and a runner, I like to study trees wherever I go. And I look for old trees. I look at them from a number of perspectives. How healthy...