by Tim Girvin | Nov 3, 2007 | Diary
Indian Journal In a way, these two images say something of what the opening of Delhi felt like for me — physically, emotionally. Hot, disconnected, out of focus — slightly poisonous. Dizzying and entirely disorienting. India(ns) 11.03 The character of...
by Tim Girvin | Nov 2, 2007 | Diary
She | 11.2 | Paro Dzongdrakha Gompa We see things, those remote places, and decide it’s worth climbing to them, exploring them. And if you look out there, to virtually any vista, there’s something tucked up there, attached in some precariously sited...
by Tim Girvin | Nov 2, 2007 | Diary
Blessings | His Holiness Je Khenpo On the day of our departing, there was a massive blessing ceremony by the one person whose relationship to the King of Bhutan is on an equal. This is His Holiness Je Khenpo. Arising early that morning, prepping to head out, there was...
by Tim Girvin | Nov 1, 2007 | Diary
We’d gone to a massive ceremony celebrating the presence of His Holiness Je Khenpo, this, actually, being at the end of the trip, the end of a day so long and filled with experiences and adventure, that I’d thought really — both: “why...
by Tim Girvin | Nov 1, 2007 | Diary
Bhutan Journal I’ve been thinking about the concept of the stair. You go up. You go down. There are the two ways; there’s not much else. One path, ascension. One path, descent. I’m finding myself being focused on that, the movements of the steps...