Quiet, mist divides.

From here, there, from there, here. Where does the earth begin, the sky fall, the horizon emerge? Quiet found, that moment newly discovered... quiescent \kwy-ES-uhnt; kwee-\, adjective: Being in a state of repose; at rest; still; inactive. Quiescent derives from the present participle of Latin quiescere, to rest, from quies, rest. Happy Monday. See you when I do. Be : in touch.

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> First, you are found, then you are lost. Then you find your way again. > Find your heart, your home -- the way from one place to another. One, > found. Another path, another way, another mystery. > And you make your way. You make your way. You construct it all, the > weavings and tracery of it. One thread to another, another thread to > another, each of a color, each winding and binding you to another way > ward found. All good, in the end. Find your way to the house of...

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What, found?

multifarious \mul-tuh-FAIR-ee-us\ adjective : having or occurring in great variety : diverse : a variegated configuration Dictionary makers have dated the first appearance of "multifarious" in print as 1593 and rightly so but before that time another word similar in form and meaning was being used: "multifary," meaning "in many ways" and appearing (and disappearing) in the 15th century. Before either of the English words existed, there was the Medieval Latin word "multifarius" (same meaning as...

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The Burst

I was watching a fly -- a very large one, wasp-like in character, a derivative and surely protective solution -- it became trapped in the studio and buzzed against the window, trying to get out. Using I net, I tried to catch it, to release -- but I couldn't get it out. It finally disappeared -- and I've yet to find it. And, in the character of insects, the nature of their energy -- they will work repeatedly to an action, till they are exhausted. You've seen them like this. Bumblebees, sitting...

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In the far Dawn looking down, moon off to the horizon -- watching her out there, settling a balance emerges in site, sighted in that time when the day begins to decide what is the nature of this day, quiet bound, or filtered with the sounds of sea surge that moon draw that long and full river that flows in you, found in the fullness of the cycle that affects us all, scene in the moments of the lunar turning now sensed as she balances herself, the instant before heading on, over the highline of...

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Wabi Sabi and dissolution

There are characters in Japanese aesthetics that most people know to the concept of objects that are beautifully aged, the character implicit in use, authentic decay, honored "wearing out", rustic simplicity and things that are made better, richer, and filled with more character as they "wrinkle" in their time. I've written about this a little, in the work of those that reach to that space. But a friend pointed out the beauty that can be found -- with the right eye -- in the squalor of...

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The Long Player

The LongPlayer | London | UK We've all thought about music, sound and experience. I was thinking about it in the context of insect sounds. Being in Cambodia, I can recall insects there that were unworldly, in the metallic character of their trill. And how, in their presence in the abandoned temple compounds, they totally changed the experience of those sacred spaces, long left lone. Or frogs in the heart of the swamp -- there's something more to the heated still of the Everglades -- in that...

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Dustin Yellin | Layered Handwriting

Every time I get back to the city -- NYC -- there's invariably some kind of art full experience that is remarkable. That is, something has to be said about it. Some thing happens. I was walking in Chelsea, trying to check out a show of work by Andy Goldsworthy, and I came upon another gallery that was closed for an installation. Standing there, this person came out. Dustin Yellin. His show, his installations. And we got to talking. Mostly about his work. When you see it, you're thinking that...

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Andy Goldsworthy: When I can

NYC | 5.23 | 07 Andy Goldsworthy: When I can I've checked out the work of Andy Goldsworthy, with an ever-present attachment to his assembled observations. Wherever I can. In fact, I've studied his work since the beginning, decades before. Before he was a kind of household name. There's a bittersweet connection to my attachment, aside from the nature of the work. Decades ago, I used to build cairns with my younger brother, Matthew Girvin, now passed, when he would visit stateside; then, he was...

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Roxy Paine | NYC

Madison Park | NYC. 5.22.07 11.23pm People have asked me about the occasional address that I close mails with -- TSG | madison park | NYC. What's that, they say? Are you in a park? Well, sometimes yes. Girvin | NYC is located on 26th + Broadway, just off Madison Park. And it's a great park. One, it's beautiful in a classical kind of way. Olmsteadesque. Two, it's got an incredible creative community all around it. Architects. Interior designers. Graphics groups. Brand firms. It's nice being...

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