A Raven Story

A Raven Story Ravens, the stories that are woven, myth like, their legacy. This is a beautiful story.  nothing better, they are. school, too: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/26/new-caledonian-crows-teac_n_773984.html Two, plus one, slipping and drifting, black...

Ravening | A love of the Crow’s Family

Those of us that have been around…crows, rooks, ravens, jays, magpies and jackdaws. Have known and loved the raven, and family, in all manifestations for years. Why now, would there be such renewed and continuing enthusiasm about the crow — which, familial...

Crows, seeing people; people seeing crows

The recollection of a face, reflections on corvid recognition. I’d offer this: these days, there’s more interest in the corvid population than ever before. Why? Because we’ve all learned about the degree of intelligence that is connected with the...

What I wonder about: personal brands, icons and totems

Why does Tim Girvin love crows and ravens? Some people have equated the raven as being something inextricably linked to me — my personal brand. That is, when people see something on the raven, or the crow, they presume that I know about it, or should. And they...