inexorable \in-EK-sur-uh-bul; in-EKS-ruh-bul\, adjective:
Not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty or prayer; firm; determined; unyielding; unchangeable; inflexible; relentless.

Inexorable comes from Latin inexorabilis, from in-, “not” + exorabilis, “able to be entreated, placable,” from exorare, “to entreat successfully, to prevail upon,” from ex-, intensive prefix + orare, “to speak; to argue; to pray.”


I’d met this dog, last night — and I’d hoped to be introduced to his smaller dog, made of cloth. But that was not to be so. Look, one thing. Touch, no.

Pretty certain about that proposition.

Pretty certain I will be traveling tonight to Constantinople. Then, traveling further into Central Asia, as timing allows. A weeks worth, at least.

Wishing well,