I’ve been setting stones in balance for decades. I like the idea of setting stones as, just that, finding balance. You set them, they align, the gravity pulling them, the string reaches to the center of the earth.

And sometimes, they stay in alignment. And sometimes they fall — and you have to rebuild them, if that’s what you’d like to do. Or you can leave it be, and contemplate what’s been done, and what’s changed. Things are built, find their balance, then fall. It’s the way things go.

Gabrielle, my youngest daughter, is now exploring this too. And these stones still stand, some weeks after she made them. Standing by the water, they are there like sentinels; and that’s beautiful. That she made them.

Love that in her, that exploration; that willingness to discover something shared, between us. And her finding her own balance, in the beauty of her own evolution…






